Friday, July 31, 2009

Busy Bee

(this is for Uncle Pete. I know how much he loves the beauty of an eating baby)

(Hairbow applied for entertainment purposes only, primarily for Aunt Beck. No hair was harmed in the process)

Willow is starting to warm up to the idea of "real-food"... it took her awhile to come around, but I think she's digging it now. Obviously, this is a Justin trait, not a Stephanie trait! Her favorites are Mango, strawberry and she'll even choke down some scrambled egg.
She's almost 100% recovered from her Upper Resp. infection turned weird hip inflammation ER to Hospital ordeal, and is scooting around like a little sand crab. She quickly bypasses all of her toys spread about for her and heads straight to any available cord, flashing light or baby hazard within sight.

As tiring and stressful as her brief little illness and health snaphoo was, I was fairly relaxed and laid-back in the hospital. I kept exclaiming how grateful I was that I knew she'd be okay eventually and that we'd be out of there soon. So many of the parents and kids around us were there on a frequent basis, the strain was commonplace and part of everyday life for them. They didn't have an end in sight or the comfort of a relatively healthy, resilient babe. I just ached and empathized with their familiar state of fatigue, sleeping for weeks on a hospital pull-out chair, surrounded by constant irritating sounds and smells. Part of the experience stirred me to want to go back to work in a hospital again, just to be empathetic, patient, sensitive and generous to the families. But on a larger scale, it urged me to hurry home, luxuriate in our comfort of health, enjoying that gift fully and with more cognizance.