willow's funky hair after her bath
Nana and Willow
Thanksgiving preparations
Strolling the Seal Beach Pier
Enjoying some sweet time
Willow and I survived day one with just the two of us.... which included 4 wardrobe changes on her part and two on mine, two projectile spit-up covered pillow cases, spit-up on the sheets on Justin's side (I was tempted to not change them and keep my mouth shut), 4 loads of laundry (how is this possible???), initiation of the cloth baby wipes, vacuuming in 2 minute increments so I could check if she was crying, partially putting up Christmas decorations (I should be done by New Year's at this pace!), watching snippets of White Christmas....I do still have my priorities in line, cooking a REAL dinner that actually involved chopping stuff (mostly because I felt guilty that Justin was on his ump-teenth night of leftover Turkey sandwiches), and essentially running around like a sleep-deprived chicken with it's head cut off. I am officially a Mommy!!!!
I also had a healthy dose of wonderfully sitting and rocking, laying and watching and just marveling at this precious little creature that has "poofed" into my life and totally re-orchestrated my days without even knowing it. I just ache for the Mom's who have little option and have to return to work for one reason or another. I can't imagine missing one poopy diaper.
My Mom, Dad, sister Beck and her family were all able to journey from their respective far away places to spend Thanksgiving here and meet the new addition to our family. It was a wonderful gift to have them in my home for about a week and celebrate this season of thankfulness. My Mom posted a list of "Thanksgivings" on our family blog and I am prompted to do the same; even though the actual holiday has passed, the truth and sentiment remain the same.
I'm so very thankful for...
-a healthy pregnancy and baby, a miracle and blessing that is not lost on me.
-a loving, supportive, patient, encouraging, understanding husband who doesn't mind when I dance in the grocery store aisles or do a little shimmy down the sidewalk.
-the incredibly rich legacy of faith in my family from which to learn, grow and draw encouragement.
-my Southern roots
-the music of Alison Krauss, Emmylou Harris and Patty Griffin
-a cup of coffee when it's still dark outside
-the ritual of having a "proper pot of tea"
-Palm Trees decorated for Christmas
-the ability to mix and match colors and textures as I please!
-the fact that there is no REAL Fashion Police
-the "underbelly" of trees when you stand under the branches and look to the sun
-being able to look heavenward in the face of a broken world
-Salvation that I could never fully comprehend
-the Dick Van Dyke Show
-my nursing degree
-the change of seasons on the East Coast
-my smelly, strange, quirky dog Zoey
-the luxury and comforts of my home
-Sprouts farmer's market and Trader Joe's
-our apartment maintenance guy, Juan
-generous strangers
-the sheer delight that colored christmas lights provide
-a church to collectively worship with other christians
-the sacrifices made for freedom
-discoveries & revelations made on road trips
-friendships across miles
-the complex, wise, unique, beautiful individuals the make up my family
... and immeasurably more!