Monday, February 9, 2009

I didn't post the best picture that happened about 30 seconds after this face. The front of Justin's shirt covered in spit-up =) After I stopped laughing, more at the look on his face than the spit up on his shirt, I made him wait to change his shirt so I could take a picture of his first REAL experience. Somehow he's managed to avoid getting hit for the past 2 months. Which is fine because apparently it totally grosses him out. Me, not so much. As he put it, I have "mommy immunity" to those types of things. Hmmm, I didn't realize that came with the package. But I guess I do =)

These are my favorite times of the day, in the evening as the sun's going down and Justin's home visiting with Willow and I putter in the kitchen and listen to them chatting. It's good soul food and I know I could hope for nothing better, sweeter than this.


Unknown said...

Sweet, sweet! Her expressions are wonderful. I'm not sure when it happens but mommies do seem to acquire an immunity to all things gross and gooey. Daddy's not so much!

USANDCO said...

It's wonderful to hear of your "sun-going-down" moments, listening to your man and little girl catch up on their day. They pics are adorable. It's lovely seeing Justin hold her, and the new pic of you and Willow is so beautiful. Both sets of eyes are so gorgeous.


clare adams said...

hilarious! josh is totally the grosses him out for real and i always think he has to be joking..and he is like "no clare, seriously, get this off of me!" i just laugh...=) LOVE the pic of hte 2 of are GORGEOUS!

Tiffany said...

Those are some sweet pictures! I completely know what you mean when you say some of the sweetest times are listening to a daddy and their baby.