Tuesday, December 30, 2008

quiet moments

I've been enjoying the last few mornings with Willow, while Justin is still home from work and tucked in our dark, quiet bedroom sleeping, us girls start our day. I leave all the lights off except the Christmas tree, illuminating her sweet face with the holiday glow of pink, blue and orange. Barely awake from her night's slumber, she fades in and out of stirring, flashes of smiles and coos escape without her willing them. It's a sweet gift to start the day with; I'm so thankful I don't have to rush to get ready, to be at work by 6:30 am and miss these precious moments.

After she nurses and lulls back to sleep for her first morning nap, I drink in some inspiration and contemplation from a blog I happened across. It's called Holy Experience and the writer is Ann Voskamp. I've been inspired by her perspective and writing about relationship with God and her devotionals during the advent season. This as an archived post that I read this morning and wanted to share. I hope you peruse her blog-home and find enjoyment as I have.


USANDCO said...

I'm grateful you and Willow are able to "listen to the music" of your peaceful mornings. I think of little ones who each morning are scurried out of peaceful beds, rushed through harried breakfasts, dressed with regular verbal reminds of the vanishing time and the coming bus or carpool and am so thankful you two are enjoying your morning concert, together and realizing it is from Him, the ultimate Conductor of "the music".

I have been enjoying Ann's blog so much. Thanks for exposing me to her. She enriches.


USANDCO said...

Your mornings sound so perfect. I'm glad you can savor this time with Willow. Her little face is so precious.