Monday, March 2, 2009

We had a week full of firsts and new experience. Willow wore her first tu-tu, Justin changed his first cloth diaper, Willow helped plant our first spring flowers, and she actually hung out in her crib for the first time (if only for a photo-op!). Oh, and she went to her first archery range as Mommy and Daddy shot bows and arrows together for the first time. By the way the folks there responded, I think it was their first baby patron!
Over all a very full, fun week and end.
Not to mention her first church experience that lasted about 30 seconds..... the time it took for me to walk through the front door, for her to immediately start screaming and me make it out the back. I walked to the nursery to see if that might be the way to go, but since there were ONLY screaming babies in there at the time and a few frazzled looking workers, I didn't really feel cool handing them MY screaming baby. So we danced in the parking lot to worship music coming through the door. Another great new experience. 


USANDCO said...

Thanks for the pictures, they were great. You did have a busy week of firsts. Have fun this week.


Unknown said...

What a fun week of firsts! She looks like she enjoyed all her new activities.