It's been a really wonderful day. Willow and I went for a walk this morning, down to the ocean and back through a lusciously green park. The weather here is a gorgeous 80 degrees, with warm Santa Ana winds brushing off stagnant heat and swirling around the sunshine.
This afternoon, I've been sitting on our porch, rocking my babe, listening to the wind crinkle the red bud leaves and sway the palms. I love how trees dance to the season's song... swaying with a breeze, glisten and shimmer with a heavy rain, rest heavy with the weight of a cold blanket of ice or snow. To my pleasure, there always seems to be a bevy of little birds joining the tree chorus, harmonizing in natural, perfect pitch. There's also a handful of birds of prey that reside in the branches nearby. I love watching them ride the warm winds, without effort or seam in their glide, casting quick shadows over our lawn. Sometimes I wonder if they do it just because it feels good. As I sat there, watching life unfurled on my little plot of grass and stand of trees, feeling the weight of Willow sinking lower into sweet sleep, I couldn't help but feel my soul rise and join the song. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
I began whispering in her ear the Doxology we used to sing before diner when we were children...
You do have a great spot for rocking a babe. I'm glad you enjoyed it and your ocean today.
Mmmm... sounds wonderful. I love your tree- it looks like broccoli!
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