Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9 months of perspective

I had my 36 wk apt today and everything is just perfect-o and right on target. She did a brief ultrasound to get baby measurements and estimated Willow is about 6lbs 2oz right now.... several weeks still to go! So I'm on track for a chunky, umm, healthy baby!
It's always good to hear positive reinforcement that all is continuing to be well and we're both super healthy; although I did remark "then why do I feel so blah and bad?". My Dr. just laughed and replied "because you're 36 weeks pregnant and have been doing this for almost 9 months and you're ready to have a baby!" 
Oh, yeah.

I was filling out a new calender yesterday, looking through my old planner to transfer birthdays and important dates.....and was reminded, by red ink pen, when this all began. It's hard to believe it's been 9 months, and flipping through my old calender gave me great visual perspective. I know that in those first few weeks and early months after her birth, I will need constant reminders to keep perspective. Perspective to take one day at a time, and at the same time not get too frazzled, frustrated or dissapointed when one day doesn't go as planned or how I anticipated. 
I've often struggled with giving myself reasonable time and space to process changes and circumstances, often pushing myself to "just do it" or "get over it".  I know giving birth and becoming a mom is one of the biggest changes I'll ever make (a bit of an understatement), so I know now, more than ever, I need to extend the same grace to myself that I hope others will as I sift through emotions and questions and elation and worry.  

From now on it's perspective, grace-filled, one day at a time.  
Remind me in a month :-)

1 comment:

Pete and Kassie Morton said...

Yes, give yourself grace. It will be so good for you to learn, and for Willow to know about her mother- which she may in turn extend to herself. Rest easy Stephania. I pray you will breathe deeply this anticipation, walk softly upon doubt and worry, and know you have a perfectly healthy baby on the way. How amazing. We are so thankful you and Willow are healthy- perfect-o!.